Two days ago, a 25 year old entrepreneur asked me this question.
And it brought me back to the time when I just got started in online marketing.
It was late 2008, the global financial crisis had hit.
I had just left my job at a bank and was ready for a change.
That change was digital marketing.
In the 8 years of providing marketing services, I’ve made so many mistakes that led me in the wrong direction.
Whilst I no longer run an agency, I do have some parting advice for those looking to get started in offline consulting.
If I could turn back time and imagine that I WAS that young entrepreneur asking that very same question…
I would say:
“The most powerful presentation you can make as a freelancer, is to start an agency”
An agency allows you to create a brand presence, intrinsic value that goes beyond your last gig.
Sure, as a freelancer, you get a sense of control on the projects you want to work on.
But it’s a feast or famine cycle that is easy to get stuck in.
Now instead of thinking, whether you should be a freelancer or start an agency…
Your core focus should be on:
“Finding Your Niche“
The #1 key mistake I made starting out was:
Not figuring out WHO I wanted to help and serve.
Figure out your niche.
- Who do you want to work with?
- What industry or market is your ideal client in?
- Do you have any knowledge or expertise in that industry that you could add value to
It’s noisy out there, you’re not another “ME TOO”.
Be SPECIFIC with who you want to help.
Instead of saying yes to every client that comes your way.
For example, your agency help retailers setup e-commerce solutions with marketing automations.
Once you’ve got your niche figured out, create solutions that your niche actually wants.
Your ideal clients has problem and challenges they want solved.
Figure out what that is.
Then package your offer and services to deliver those results.
Most offline consultants start by selling SEO or PPC services and then going out to find the client.
Flip it the other way around:
- Identify WHO you want to help
- Find the problems and challenges they are experiencing
- and create valuable solutions that deliver results.
If you’re not sure where to begin, the following two posts will help you get started in your offline consulting journey: