If you’ve built your online course on GrooveMember and want to know how to integrate GrooveSell and GrooveMail, this post is a must read.
In this example, we’re:
- selling a course using GrooveSell’s shopping cart and sales management system
- delivering a course hosted on GrooveMember for fulfillment and
- using GrooveMail to trigger the email followup to convert leads into customers.
How To Integrate GrooveMember, GrooveSell & GrooveMail
To follow along with this tutorial, it’s a must that you’ve read my other posts in the below order:
- How To Create An Online Membership Site For Free
- GrooveMail Part 1 – Create A List, Opt-in Form In & Embed On GroovePages
- GrooveMail Part 2 – How To Create An Email Sequence & Automation
- How To Create A Product Funnel, Order Form And Order Pages On GrooveSell
Otherwise, this will tutorial will seem incomplete to you.
Therefore, I’m assuming you have:
1. Created your course or membership in GrooveMember.
2. Created a product funnel and product in GrooveSell.
3. Created your sender IDs, email lists, tags and sequences in a GrooveMail.
First, let me show you the order form created on GrooveSell.
In this example, I have two courses – a free course and a paid course.
The goal is to have GrooveFunnels trigger the membership username and password as well as follow up with the email sequence to convert the free boot camp course into paid buyers through an email sequence automation.
Step 1: Log into GrooveMember
- Head to GrooveMember.
- Under step “6. Welcome”…
- This may be a bug temporarily however if you select “Don’t send a welcome email” and you create automation to have GrooveMail send the username and password – GrooveMember and GrooveMail will send the same email, four different passwords.
- I recommend to keeping it at “Send default welcome email” and then press “Save & Next” all the way through.
Step 2: Log into GrooveSell, Add A Membership And Setting Access Levels.
Click on “Product Funnels” on the left panel and select your course funnel.
Under “Actions”, click “Manage Products”.
Find your course name and then click on the pencil icon to edit.
- Head over to step “8. Fulfilment”.
- Under “Memberships” tab, in this demo, there are two products on the order form.
- Click on “+ Add New Membership”.
- Select the membership so in this example it will be “Aimee Courses Demo” and the access is the “Funnel Bootcamp” then press “add”.
- Next, click on the second product and click on “+ Add Membership” on the right side.
- Select Membership with your course but select the “Funnel & Traffic” Access Level.
- You would have configured all of these access levels in a GrooveMember.
- If you don’t know how to do this, then check out my blog post on “How to Create an Online Membership Site”
- If you have three different membership access levels, you would also have another tab for your third membership level and assign the correct access levels based on the price point.
- So I’m going to click on “Save” and then “Exit”.
Step 3: Creating GrooveMail Email Automation.
- There are few steps within this step.
Step 1: Creating tags
- One price point is one tag.
- In this example, there are 2 price points.
- Click on “tags” and “tags” again.
- I’ve created two tags, one tag is “Aimee Funnel Bootcamp” which is people who registered for the free course; the second one is “Aimee Funnel & Traffic Course buyers” which are paid course buyers.
Now whilst you can see the number of leads that are tagged with a specific tag, because GrooveMail is still in beta you can’t actually view who these leads are at this stage.
Step 2: Creating Email Lists.
- Head to “Leads” and click “List”.
- You’ll need to create one list for those who receive the free course which I’ve called “Aimee funnel bootcamp free”.
- The second list is for those who purchase the paid course. I’ve called it “Aimee funnel plus traffic course buyers”.
Once you’ve done that…
Step 3: Creating An Email Sequence
- Head to “Campaigns” and click on “Sequences”.
- In this example, I’ve created an email sequence to follow up with people who registered for the “Free bootcamp course”.
- The purpose of this email sequence is to follow up and promote the paid funnel and traffic course.
- Click on “Actions” and select “Edit” then a pop up will appear then just click on “Update”.
- To get straight to the point, I’m not going to show you how to set up email sequences here because that was covered in GrooveMail part 2 tutorial.
- This sequence will have a starting rule of “Aimee funnel bootcamp” tag.
- Head to “+ Add Trigger” and then click on “tags”.
- The free bootcamp course is under leads and the tag would be “Aimee funnel bootcamp”.
- Once you are finished, click “Done”.
- Now one mistake I want to apologize for in my GrooveMail part 2 tutorial.
- In regards to “time delay”, you will need to set a specific number of days after the first email instead of one day apart as I use in that tutorial.
- When it comes to your email sequence, under “time delay”, click on the 3 dots and select “Edit”.
- This is “wait a number of days” after the first email, it doesn’t allow you to do one day apart right now.
That’s something that you should go through and check to make sure that it’s sent out in the right timing sequence for you.
Step 4: Creating Automation To Tag And Trigger The Email Sequence
This automation is for people to buy your paid course.
There are so many ways to splice and dice automation.
I’m just going to show you one specific automation that actually worked in GrooveMail.
- Click on “New Automation” and call it “Funnel Course Buyers Sequence”.
- Under “Select Trigger”, click on “Purchase a Product” and it will be “Aimee course- test”; product is “Aimee’s course” and the price point is the “Funnel Bootcamp Course”.
- Click “add”
- THEN, “Add a tag”, that tag was under “Leads” then “Aimee funnel bootcamp” and click on “Add”.
- You also want to subscribe them to lists and it will be “Aimee funnel bootcamp free” list
- Click on “Add” then “Save”.
- Once you’ve set that up, you would press play to activate this automation.
One last thing I wanted to point out in the automation.
Skip adding a membership level in a GrooveMail automation for now.
What I mean by this is sometimes people would create a GrooveMail automation of IF a product is purchased, THEN “Add A Membership” – hold off on creating this as it will cause membership username and password duplication.
- Since you added the membership through “fulfillment” in GrooveSell, this is already taken care of and an automation is not required.
- So just stick with “Purchase a Product” add a tag and then subscribe them to the email list and that way you will trigger the follow-up email sequence to convert leads into buyers.
End Result Of Integrating GrooveMember, GrooveMail, and GrooveSell.
What happened is that I immediately received the first email in the email sequence.
It was only one minute later that GrooveSell sent the membership username and password and four minutes later they sent me the receipt.
If you’re new to all this and you want to create a course, my recommendation is to read the tutorials in the following order:
- How To Create An Online Membership Site For Free
- GrooveMail For Beginners Latest July 2021 Update
- GrooveMail Part1 – Create A List, Opt-in Form In & Embed On GroovePages
- GrooveMail Part 2 – How To Create An Email Sequence & Automation
- How To Create A Product Funnel, Order Form And Order Pages On GrooveSell
That’s it, guys! Make sure you grab your free sales funnel planning workbook below.
This workbook guides you through the 5 simple steps of creating simple yet seriously effective sales funnels that convert leads into sales!